by Shift Shaper | | Memorial
For my friend Mellory, Happy Birthday
you’re gone, but not forgotten,
frames of movies past,
just memories remain
sands of time ran out,
musical refrain
danced our youth away
school days and beaches,
follies of our youth
time skipped, slipped, night and day
yesterday, playing at teenagers
now you have youth eternal
while I watch the clock wind down, all around ages
youth fades away, once fresh faces
lines remain, etched stories of different places
Once upon time, we were both young but that was yesterday
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
The chains that bind us,
light spider webs or chain links of heavy lead.
Bind us tight in both respites, their weights draining
hear all complaining, heavy is their toll.
Words whispered in the crib, sharper than the quills nib,
etched in deep upon the soul, nursed from generation to generation.
As you sat on granddaddy knee, you learnt his energy and his limitation.
Your mommy taught you one plus one and daddy showed how it was done.
For every past, you were one, a son, a daughter, a carrier,
of records.
Those beliefs you took them well, you made them yours as you dwell
fitting in, putting on the clothes of common convenience.
One day it came to pass that this was a hollow glass,
devoid of substance and meaning.
Then it began, that letting go, you began to glow
those beliefs, those memes of common jailer, tethers to an insane asylum, unraveled.
Freedom breathed light and full,
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