The Message of Love

The Message of Love

” I go into my heart, like into a room, and I sit and talk to whoever, and whatever energies involved, and I see the things I want fixed or healed, done, and then I enjoy the feeling of having all these things healed.  Our loving hearts are the key.  I promise you, they want us to be confused and baffled and startled and horrified.  It makes us weak, and takes our minds off love, and distracts us from our powerful creative forces.  The darkness gets more of our power, every moment that we think about them and their terrible behavior.  It is very powerful to laugh at their fear of us. Laughing at them is potent. ” – Eileen Lynn

Just Who is Running the World

Just Who is Running the World

“The unrealised person sees the world as a thing running him; the realised person sees it as his own projection and therefore can run it and it cannot run him. Being a Master over it, He resides ever the same, in peace and tranquillity, and lives in complete ease all the time.” – Lester Levenson