by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
Everything exists in the absolute, as does the synthetic matrix universe of the divines, that too exists within the absolute, but it is a control mechanism, it is the matrix of illusion.
We with the illusion of awakening awareness who are making a transition or a phase/wave change with our perceived reality, as we turn away from the prison of beliefs and limiting ideas towards the freedom of connection to the absolute and the true expansion of our being, it is us who are forcing this illusion of control to crumble.
Whilst we may perceive many as children on the foothills of consciousness they are at the same time great masters and gods who have traversed many creations and are in some respects looking back on themselves, and even in that is illusion, for it is just the absolute experiencing itself.
The importance of the definitions and annunciations of our reality cannot be underestimated for words create worlds of thought and energy packets and then our perceived solid reality and really there is no difference for all is vibration, all is energy.
It is our projections both individually and as a collective consciousness which determine the world we live in. So it is really important how we align our energy, and how we spell into existence, creation. Heaven is here, right now, if we realize it.
The divine illusion is just one of a myriad of creations, it is not the absolute and it is not the pinnacle of the all and we are kept in constant identity with it at every turn of our lives. Insidious are the traps and twists at every turn. In every facet of your known experience it is there. It is embedded in your folk law, in everything you have ever read. It’s got a nice little fake creation set up, to trap the unwary for eons, but you’re breaking free now. Breaking free of these channels, these spiritual hierarchies, these slimy control mechanisms, these unworthy feelings, this need to control and be controlled, to have your dreams and notions filled by outside of you. To be giving your power away to outmoded ideas and false prophets. All of that and more you are dropping, as you discover you are home already, and never left at all.
What you swear to be the truth is illusion, every bit of it.
It permeates not just your physical expression but your spiritual too as you are connected into this matrix of illusion from your chakras and your fields are full of energy signatures, tapping in, controlling. There is a whole spiritual world of illusion to progress and traverse many traps of religion and new age notions, all designed to keep you entrapped and in the divine matrix.
Mind and ego will fight you at every step, at every thought, for you threaten to discover what and who you are if you go against the programing. So old ideas are updated repackaged to ensnare you to entice another seeker of truth in another ride and on it goes, until you figure it out.
In the divines creation it is always accompanied by well entrenched memes and beliefs – and earths controllers fashion and reflect that back to you at every opportunity, you are in many respects kept within a prison of a very narrow bandwidth which holds you in a set of ideas and beliefs. Never in the divines’ illusion will you find huge recognition of the plain simplicity of being, the isness,the shear perfection of a being just the way they are.
When you find yourself caught up in the gratification of self, pandering to the ego, or perhaps caught up in the myth of channeling higher self or aspects of the divines, the whole body and mind rebels to this notion, none of this could refer to you it says, it must be others. You will catch yourself saying my work is so important, I’m doing so much good, I fulfill an important role, I’m leading others in some way or other to their salvation, you can just fill in the blank that your mind presents now, in total rebellion to the concept. All of this is the divine matrix.
At present we oscillate between the two paradigms, one where we buy into and give energy to the crumbling divine matrix of control and proxy worship forever being less than and subjugating our power to others in both physical and spiritual domains or we move into the new world, back into the one original creation, back into the 5th D, bringing with us a new understanding, embracing who and what we are, back into contact and recognition of the absolute in all.
The great simplicity of the absolute experiencing itself and that is all, such peace and understanding as we drop that which fetters us. The secret is in awareness of the energy at play and to become that nexus point between the absolute and the physical – to in essence to be in this world but not of it.
You have come into this creation to transform it and you and you accepted this mission with gusto, how could you not for beyond the veil of illusion you are a conscious being with the power and magnificence of the absolute reflecting back on itself and you cherish this awareness.
It is confusing leaving a lie, for the body and mind fight it with every fiber of their being, threaten to break the illusion and all manner of excuse will arise.
However once you have pulled a false veil down to discover another and yet another many are committed to finding the absolute truth and having a constant connection unfettered by memes be they societal, religious or new age, its a want of freedom to discover who you are, free already and the path is through the heart.
So drop everything, even this, and then you begin.
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
As awareness of self dawns upon the being, like the sun rising across the land, gently pushing back the shadows of forgetfulness, then the realization that all who you meet are whispering to you, singing a song, so fine of tune, so pure of note, of such beauty in the lyrics, that most are stunned by its beauty and entranced by its message.When they begin to hear and see the celestial dance of God.All who you meet, are you, they are God glittering in fine perfection, – such beauty to behold, and as the vibration of you, rises, raises the fragment of creation into a higher level of awareness you begin to realize that God is talking to you, from every mouth, from every gentle breeze that blows.
The songs of nature and crashing wave, from every atom of existence and from your mouth too, Gods message thunders.
Beauty and wisdom rolls out upon your world, it can be so fine a vibration, such a masterful note, such a world of beauty.
You let go and begin to watch the journey of unfoldment in heaven, in the supreme moment of it all and all that is, for it is heaven where you are, even if you recognize it not.
It was you who slept – but not! For it was only a part, a fragment of you that was asleep but thought it was the all and you awoke to find the world as one, a world as you are. Magnificent.
From that point on, every word and gesture you make is loaded and infused with the supreme importance and mastery of the absolute.
So chose wisely when you wake, or is there no choice at all?
For to be awake is to be in unfoldment, to be in the moment, to Be, with no thought at all but the impulse of God delivered unto God in its myriad of forms … an endless creation.
Namaste –
by – C.R.
by Shift Shaper | | Quotes
Every word is a vibration and every vibration is the seed of creation – chose your words with certainty for they will create your world – CR
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
Once we get the true meaning of sovereignty and embody its truth, our actions are infused with that energy and freedom can result.
Being infusing action (doing) – the concept is so simple; it is that we are free already; such a truth of illusion shattering propensity but until we can realise that truth fully, we cannot comprehend the magnitude of the understanding – you can do this: you can do that: it is all to no avail; rather sit under the tree to discover you are free already and then the bonds fall away and all action is originated from within the power of freedom. Such a power results!
For that reason we continue to show people how crazy the world they live in is: everything reversed; everything turned on its head; such huge injustice; a looming magnitude of negativity so huge that it become preposterous, its clear inhumanity unacceptable, it becomes too great a darkness to ignore at this point questions must be asked of self and this drive to question awakens.
Which once the illusion is seen, drops like shattered mirrors atomizing into specks of dust as the reality of life emerges.
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
… and I awoke, to find it was only I who was asleep and all who were around me, were awake but as I slept in forgetfulness I thought them not awake and on the journey, I thought only I was awake, but in truth, we were all awake in eternity, in the now of creation …
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
The spiritual journey is a joyous path but one must be ever vigilant for the ego and other weeds which grow upon the path to distract.
The word ego many read it but do not understand it fully, or whence it originated from. Id, ego and super-ego are the three parts of the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described. According to this model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.
To all intent and purposes we use the ego as an identity of our own construction, an identity which is false. If we take all the beliefs of what we are – beliefs about our personality, talents, and abilities – we have the structure of our ego. These talents, abilities and aspects of our personality will be attributes of our skills, but the mental construct of our “self” is artificial. And while this description might make the ego seem like a static thing, it is not. Rather, it is an active and dynamic part of our personalities, playing an immense role in creating emotional drama in our lives
One of the traps of the ego is found whenever we find our language peppered continually with I, now at this point the ego has kicked in with the notion of understanding I AM, I am only acting from source, I am only acting from the highest, I am, I am. That is the ego!
The true I AM is a brilliant expression where no words can describe the indescribable and its attempt produces the beautiful artistic creations in this world of form. Unfathomable abiding love for all is even an inadequate expression, as all words and thoughts are, but it is but a glimpse of the majesty and magnificence of the absolute.
If we wish to discover true source connection, unfettered by limiting beliefs and egotism we should be ever vigilant not to fall to the trap of I, I , I. For if I hold and cling so dear to my beliefs, which I think uphold the pedestal that ego places me on, I deny the true self. Only on the release and continued surrender of beliefs, programs and memes can we find the true connection. Yes there are partial glimpses but they are a danger to become weeds to entrap us if we don’t have flexibility of notion and a heightened discernment of the tricks of the ego.
Now the ego is a craft fellow, it will tell you stories you wish to believe, it will tell you you’re so connected, it will say you’re in source, it is but source who speaks, but it is the subtleties of ego, so self centred but not expansive, so self turning but not connected, so self absorptive that it lacks true compassion, so self obsessed that it lacks true empathy and true clarity. The list goes on and on, and the ego will deny each and every item. The ego will tell you, you’re none of that, no you have gone so far along the path, it could not be you. The ego will say but you’re the saviour of so many, they need you so much, they need your wisdom, they need your teachings. All of that and more is the tricky ego which lurks.
So easy to become enamoured with ones beauty, the ego feeds the handsome well, but looks fade. So easy to be enchanted by ones physical ability but strength comes and goes. There are numerous examples and I’m sure many come to mind now. So easy, to reach near the summit, but to slip and fall, slippery is the slope to the ultimate, when ego comes to town.
Daily and in times of stress or misunderstanding of events around us, we should take a moment and connect, not with the continual flow which streams from the unconscious for that is peppered with ego beliefs and other energies but to stop and to find the space between words, the space between breaths, the space between thoughts, for in that space, everything expands, in that space everything connects, in that space everything stops in the one moment that is.
From the heart let love unfold, love and gratitude for all and everything in your world. Keep on track and find joy and opportunity in every adversity, find something about everything you think you find objectionable, to like, to focus on, to grow and to love. What you focus on increases as vibration harmony brings synchronistic expression. Do this and see wonder and beauty in every moment, and your life will become an expression of joy and peace as all else falls by the wayside.
Be ever vigilant for that crafty voice of ego, which whispers or flows out without bidding, saying I am better than, …
by Shift Shaper | | Memorial
For Tricia:
I saw a leaf carried on the wind, swirling skywards,
I blinked and it was gone, moments undone in a flash,
Life was easy when we were young, but the wind blew
Carried leaves aloft, see they float away,
Dreams of living gone, floating ever upwards,
Tears they streamed as hearts broke in misunderstanding,
For in another world leaves fell from the sky,
All stopped to watch them land upon the ground
by Shift Shaper | | Poetry
I’m going to wait for the witching hour
When all around me is full of power
When the stars are shining bright
When the moon is hanging just right
I’m going to wait for the witching hour
Before I step out tonight,
Standing in the darkness, beside the firelight
Dancing and chanting
In the midnight hours
I’m going to wait for the witching hour
Set my spell alight
Gathering power around me,
Dancing in the light
Will you wake in the midnight hours
Will you stare into the night
Will you feel my power,
look with second sight
See the light dancing,
Romancing the power right
See it climb into the heavens
Become a beacon of light
Will it touch you
Will it hold you
Will it do all the things I told you,
In the midnight hours, tonight
We’ll be witching all right.
by Shift Shaper | | Poetry
In the silence I wait, so loud and full of momentary reason, returning once again to that nothingness,
In the silence I wait, a depth of dwindling awareness, awakening
In the silence I wait, watching as that thought passes, expanding connection
In the silence I wait, still
In the silence
by Shift Shaper | | Poetry
Traveller between worlds
Have you seen the watcher of the way
Have you passed today
Have you passed the gate of no return
No time
Warriors wait
Feasts prepared
Will you cross the gate?
Stalker of the dream
Shake my spear
Rattle my shield
Bang my drum
Run run run
I come dreamwalker
Dream stalker
Painted face
Ashed body
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