“… certain segments of the population must be programmed to be robotic drones, incapable or unwilling to think on their own. In this scenario, the ‘individual’ is the enemy of the state. Individual thinking and choice are not conducive to ‘peace and progress’ and not permitted. Only by being part of ‘The Team,’ can the individual (follower) accomplish objectives or ‘outcomes.’ Of course, these ‘objectives and outcomes’ are directed by the bureaucracy. This phase of population training is currently being accomplished by the public school system with such programs as ‘outcomes based education,’ and the introduction of New Ageism into the classroom. One has to remember that Adolf Hitler pioneered a similar tactic with his Hilterjugend and state-sponsored school system. To quote the Fuhrer, “When an opponent declares: ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say ‘your child belongs to me already. Who are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.’”

~ Roberts, Craig; The Medusa File;
Consolidated Press International; Tulsa, OK; 1997; p 90.