by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
Earth time: Sunday 12/22/2013: Star date: Unknown: Reality: Still To Be Determined:
So it’s on the cusp you stand, teetering between the yearly repeats of expectation on one hand whilst on the other hand clutched firmly, the dawn of a new world , a completely new paradigm where nothing will ever be the same, a change so monumental that you will barely comprehend the life you leave behind. So, wavering in this moment of uncertainty, yo-yoing back and forth like an oscilloscope graphing your doubt, you have to choose where to place your power, your energy, your commitment of resolution, your attention and single focus, the choice is yours, you powerful creator of worlds. Choose wisely.
So long the illusion of being pushed around, the meme of control, has been perpetuated on this communality of our existence, it’s gone but still the program is played out, oft repeated in a self perpetuating passing down in the DNA and familial setting not to mention the zealots stuffing ideas of darnation down throats wide open with hunger. So long conditioned to follow blind, it takes will, to shift attention off that which is not of resonance, onto that which you do require. Note require, not, the word, want, in your existence, in your world, to me, the word, want, is a word of lack so I wish to remove it from my vibration as I act out of a fullness of vibration resonating with desire and requirement, as what I require is, it is done already, and needs only to come to pass in my slowed time continuum of reality placement in a world of illusion, structured to my requirements.
So I see the road of this reset has ended and only the varying realities of the communality have to catch up and sync together at the finality of all complete and exchanged.
I hope today brings what you ardently desire to your reality now.
Namaste, may all beings be blessed.
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
In this way, recognize that what you often consider, in your civilization, to be miracles, you consider to be out of the ordinary, above and beyond the mainstream reality that you are used to experiencing in your day to day world. But recognize, what you typically call a miracle is, in actual fact, recognition of the fundamental workings of the universe. It is a recognition of when reality, physical reality, the experience of physical reality, as you have come to know it, is actually working in a synchronous harmony with all other levels of reality. And thus, a miracle is actually representative of where the universe is working most naturally.
Physical reality, the day to day events that you typically experience that seem to be different from what you call miraculous, that, in a sense, is even more of a miracle than a typical miracle, as you call it. For a typical miracle is an indication of the natural state of the universe, where everything works hand in hand, absolutely flawlessly, and can create whatever manifestation is indicative of the way the mind and the heart and the belief of the individuals involved in that circumstance wish it to be.
Whereas, what you call, your day to day life is the product of divergence, many times, from the so called natural awareness or natural state of creation, natural state of reality, and, in that sense, the things that you most often take for granted are actually the exception to the norm. In that sense, the way you have structured your reality, all of the different diversification’s, separations and specific endeavors that you create in your day to day lives, those are the miraculous manifestations of the foundational energy.
Your daily life is, therefore, miraculous. And when you see, in your life, what you normally call a miracle, when all of the normal, what you think of as normal, activities that go on are, for a moment, seemingly suspended to allow this so called miracle to occur — in actual fact what you are seeing, therefore, is the very fundamental, the homogenous, balanced, natural energy that everything in your daily lives is created from. Therefore, recognize that your lives, at any given moment, are made of magic, if you will, are miraculous in that way, and that what you typically call a miracle is not something that is an interruption in what you think is a natural or normal way that life exists, but it is actually a manifestation of naturalness. A manifestation of the basic root foundational energy out of which all of the divergences in your daily life are created.
A miracle is a calm spot, the eye of the hurricane, as you say, wherein you allow all the different energies, the homogenous energy of the foundational creation itself, to simply work in its purest form. When you know, in that state, that everything does fit in with everything else, everything does work in life, and a miracle is simply your willingness to allow, on all levels, all at once, life and the universe to work in the way it was designed to work.
So, if you wish your lives to become, as you think, more miraculous, and for life to become a more and more effortless expression of that level of creativity, then all you need to do is allow your life to revert back to this natural state — to the zero rest balance point — to allow the things in your life to be there that need to be there, rather than thinking that you must make or force or push those ideas into creation.
Desire and determination, those are tools that can allow you to allow your reality to work. But desire and determination do not have to be expressed in a struggle type of mode. Desire is the activation seed that will bring to you anything you believe to be possible to experience in your life. And when you allow your desire, your excitement, which is your indication of your connection to the primal energy out of which all is created — when you allow your desire to bring those things into your life, then your life will be effortless, will be miraculous, day to day to day. -bashar-
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
The gamut of incredulity is being run by those who feed off the emotions of the ebb and flow of favor or darnation. Stay centered and certain, inside your truth, inside your construct of reality. You will know within hours what your momentary monetary position within life’s’ circus will be. You will see either access to your blessing, a sure illuminated path, or a plethora of excuses which will guide you downward if you let it. Lift those eyes and remain clearly sighted on the goal that is held within your heart and vision, your soul’s journey, holding steadfast, at the end, for it is the end, the end of the show. One way or another, this is the end, the road of paved platitudes has run out.
So much good news abounds yet I am inundated by messages from people, and am astounded that that so many people are still wishing to find proof that something is “not happening” or is unable to happen. It springs to mind that, in life, if you look for faults, you will surely find them.
If you’re wavering, finding it hard to be, or steering between the weeds upon the path of life’s trip, perhaps it is time to flip your concept of reality on its head. Instead of gazing into the hazed cloud cover of delusion, presented by many who know nothing more than you do, decide rather to see clear skies. Seek blue sky, for blue will appear and thus allow the sun to shine through in greater and greater amounts. I love the sunshine, the warmth and comfort it brings. Perhaps that is why yogis stood on their heads. To induce a momentary rush of reality so it would appear as synapses and brain cells nourished by oxygen rich life fluid.
Truth is always there to be seen. What you focus on becomes bigger and more real for you. But is it just an illusion? Is it just a focal point of change? When we shift our perception, to the next focal point we can jump, into new dimensions of reality, if we hold but steady our concentration.
I sit in a room, watching dancing silhouettes of strange shadows flickering on the walls of tissue-thin illusion, curtained around me, snug, an illusion, which is falling, failing, crumbling within the sight of truth. These points of view, holding true, have no distance from me and you. While I am far from each of you, in a breath I can find myself near any of you. I can reach out and touch anyone and everything in my world. This is what you are able to do too. Even if it is hard to remember sometimes, we are all one, and together, we dream our destiny of constructs, materializing into reality around us, seen uniquely from our vantage points. It’s a world of individual commonality, gazed upon and sometimes seen for what it is.
The dawn is breaking upon a world where many will suddenly find themselves transformed, a ticking number as rates climb and fall, graphed, from rags to riches and varying dreams in between. This is a manifestation, a miracle of motion, in stillness, for you, for me, who those who can see.
For a miracle to occur, in the world of external illusion first requires an internal creation, we suddenly notice the order of the universe, or perhaps a sweeping change of consciousness rising from within, opening our eyes to the truth of all things and removing our preconceptions on how reality is to conform, erasing the laid out memes of the past. Now, most of you, are beginning to embody the wealth vibration throughout all of you, be wealthy and abundant it is your birthright.
Those who hold that vibration are already seeing the manifestation of this shift blessing. Some are still to see it begin to unfold after you. You are seeing it, as some of the elite have done, soon you will be joining that group of people, vibrating wealth and materializing abundance as you will. So if you call them elite, a label, do you not toe tag those who are different and separate yourself from them. The only difference is that they have that magic of vibration that you seek but you are soon to achieve resonance and then from attunement you can lead a change in note. A variation in pitch. It’s all a perspective, we may see all as perfect and everything in perfection.
Whatever your construct of reality, it will be accommodated, so choose wisely. Utter with consciousness the words of spelling upon yourself and your fellow humankind. Rather than condemn, it is possible to commend instead. Change to the language of yes. The gap of distortion grows thinner as the veils in the illusion tear, strips, in the fabric of momentary reason, for then the next instant is upon you, or so it seems in your creation.
It will happen in the twinkling of an eye that all is different. You shall perceive the truth of those who were your foe a moment ago and who may now your biggest ally be. Such is the sweeping and welling up inside during the dawning of new understanding, new belief, the truth and reality of consciousness. It will touch everyone no matter their label, no matter their station. Change is at hand, for you, for me, and for humanity.
As the veil of illusionary existence begins to drop, let us remember how we traveled in a spiraling ascent of knowledge and skills acquisition. Let us not forget all those who could not maintain the course, who we left behind, or who we kissed goodbye. All will find their path in their own way, none are lost. Everyone is allowed their story. To the many fallen, on this quest, this journey, to all of them, and to you, a bow, a salute, a bugle call, a tribute true.
Namaste, may all beings be blessed.
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
I just meditate on the outcome I want – it will be what ever it will be and when it will be, will be when it happens – but I keep my doubts to myself and in fact I let them go for they serve no purpose to me or to others – nothing but my attitude will determine how well i do this shift – there are many swept up in the waves of doubt misunderstandings, lies, misdirection, other peoples fears etc. I let them go their merry way, for I am of single focus, of complete certainty of the outcome and all else is just weeds along the way, which either help my vibration remain high and in a state of abundance or if I allow myself to go down into the depths of doubt and despair, pull me into a state of lack. I am careful about what I create and what I manifest. To think this is about freedom is to be in error, to be in error is to miss the point, to miss the point is to lose advantage, to lose advantage is going to cost one in many different ways. The goal here is improve all our lot, everyone in our sphere. Focus the goal is at hand and just breaths away from materializing in my world … how long will it take in yours, only you can say, what will you create?
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
Today 12/12/2013 It’s an exciting time to be alive, a time to show faith to one another, a time to spread love and hope around, a time to help someone up off their knees to stand tall beside you. This is a most blessed time for the chosen and faithful of the world, those dreamers who dreamed and who dared to reach a little further, to extend love and trust to another individual or maybe some higher deity guided you to take the plunge, into the deep sea of possibility.
So many memes and misinformation floats around the consciousness of beings, have you noticed it, of course you have because you are beginning to awaken, beginning to realise that everything is not as it was told to you, and basically you were sold a crock of shoot. If you were to look back on your life over the last few years you would probably remark to yourself that you have come a long way and learnt amazing and sometimes scary things about this world and how it works. You are chosen because you are aware that you are no longer going to be slaves, you will not knuckle under, to convention, to the man, to the dictates of a fake society, you will not suppress your fellow human being, you will not be a part of the mindless machinations of a few laying down the rules in your name, no you are chosen to awake and will not stop this process now that eyes once wide shut are focused on the task at hand. You are about to arrive at the crossroads of life, on one hand you have the old paradigm of lack, hording and poverty and on the other you have the abundance of the universe waiting to be displayed. You will chose wisely for you are the instrument of change that the world and people like you have been waiting for. Quite simply you are the ones you have been waiting for and you are tasked with mission potential.
Take a few moments and know that it is OK to embody and project wealth, to absolutely glisten in its vibration, know wealth is not money alone but truly it is the vibration of the absolute abundance of health, vitality, and power, yes power and yes with great power comes even greater responsibility, so when you have opportunity, when you have influence, take time to reflect on your path, take time to teach your children and by that I don’t just mean your blood but the children who are growing into awareness, take time to be kind and guide with steady hand as many of you wished someone would have guided you, and they did. Unseen is now seen and you will roll out in increasing magnitude around this world, solutions, possibilities and hope to those who had none and to a planet which was on the brink of destruction, you shall ensure the change. It is up to each of you to educate where and how you can, so we will never again slip so far to one side of the equation of light.
May all beings be blessed.
by Shift Shaper | | Spiritual
So poised, in eternity, still, in the moment of now, running through you, timelines of endless possibility, parallel universes, overlaid, that either rush headlong into heaven or descend on a roller-coaster ride into hell – that is where you are at now. Brave hearted and certain, you step across a moment, stepping into your awakened presence, your destiny, for you have arrived, or rather that moment has unfolded and arrive in your world, where to continue along the old path would be pointless, an exercise of futility. The lightness and brightness of the fresh renewed world, is calling your name. Come, do not titter on the brink of decision but rather with decisiveness, step forth into your heritage of prosperity and abundance, as the new energy permeates your very existence and your world is born renewed.
Shift Shaper
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